Subject Leader: Mrs M Noctor
We are Scientists!
At Seaton Academy, we provide a Science curriculum that fosters and inspires curiosity, embeds scientific knowledge and skills, and is inclusive of all pupils. It promotes opportunities to explore and investigate scientifically and the understanding of the evolving knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Our children are encouraged to ask questions, reflect, learn from mistakes whilst being in a safe environment. This equips our children for an everchanging world.
Our Curriculum intent at Seaton Academy is to:
Provide a high-quality, enquiry-based Science curriculum that is challenging, engaging, and stimulating, ensuring that it allows pupils to develop conceptual understanding and procedural skills, while also fostering their scientific attitudes.
Our Science lessons provide opportunities for pupils to explore the world around them and develop their scientific thinking skills through practical investigations, experimentation, and observation. We ensure that topics are revisited and built on each year for progressive development.
This provides our children with:
-A learner-centred teaching approach to deepen thinking.
-Pupils are engaged and challenged.
-Accessibility for all children
-Engaging and real life experiences/examples which link to our investigations/experiments.
-Progressive plans which are reinforced and explored through investigation and scientific enquiries.
Enhancing our learning:
We enhance learning through the use of the local environment, trips and excursions, and STEM activities. This ensures that our curriculum is relevant to everyday life. We also ensure that the curriculum is accessible to all pupils through differentiation, scaffolding, and personalisation to meet the needs of every learner.
Science Overview
Science Progression Map
Science Principles