Welcome to our Class!

Year 1 Overview

Updated: 28/01/2025 193 KB



Our Class Rules

In Year 1 we have worked together to make a list of class rules. Our rules are:


Always ask for help if we need it

Celebrate when we do good work

Play nicely with everyone

Listen to each other

Be kind and share with everyone

Be respectful

Say nice words to our friends


Class Information

Autumn Term

Please note our P.E days will be Thursday and Friday. We will also have Forest School this half term on a Tuesday. Please ensure any earrings are removed or covered on these days. 

Please ensure your child brings their reading diary and book into school every day.

If you wish to speak to Mrs Ross the best times are before school everyday from 8.30am or after school any day, except Tuesday.


Helping your child

At home, ensure you read with your child as regularly as possible and practise their spellings ahead of their test every Friday.

Your child could write a book review about a favourite story, write a diary extract for something special they have done over the weekend or pop into the library and choose some new books to read!  They could practise counting forwards and backwards to 100 in ones, tens, fives and twos.  

Practice handwriting with your child to ensure letters and numbers are correctly formed.