
Our Topic for Spring Term is Bright Lights, Big City!

Across Literacy and Geography we have been looking at the City of London and its famous landmarks. We have been looking at the stories about Paddington Bear and helping him to find his way around London through writing sets of directions. The children have written character descriptions about Paddington using adjectives. In Spring 2 we are going to be writing our own stories about Paddington's adventures focusing on a clear beginning, middle and end to a story. 

In Maths we have been learning our doubles, number bonds to 20 and counting forwards and backwards on a number line. 

In Art we have been exploring weather motifs and using these shapes to make printing blocks. This was our collagraph technique which we used for printing using primary colours. 

In Science, we have also been looking closely at the weather. We have discussed what are four season are and what weather we would associate with each season. We explored how plants and animals change through each of the seasons, for example, we looked closely at how an apple tree changes from Summer to Autumn. In Spring 2 we will be carrying out a number of investigations which are linked to the weather. 

In PE, we have been exploring dance and developing our Football skills with Conor throughout Spring 1. In Spring 2 we will be developing our ball skills through weekly multi skills sessions and exploring our wooded area in Forest School.